1. Blogger Jennifer Peepas warns that "it's really hard to storm out of an argument if you have to get your uncle who's yelling at you to move their car." 博主詹妮弗·皮帕斯提醒道,“如果离开时还需要对你大吼大叫的叔叔去移车,那你真的很难从争吵中脱身了。”
2. We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat. 我们乘船外出时看到了暴风雨正在酝酿之中。
3. In between these storm surges were steadier but similarly profound tides in which people moved out to colonize or were captured and brought in as slaves. 在这些风暴之间,这个浪潮比较稳定,但潮水的深度也差不多,在这期间,人们迁出去殖民或者被抓住带去当奴隶。
4. We sat out the storm in a cafe. 我们坐在一家咖啡馆里,一直等到暴风雨过去。
5. It was absurd and illogical to go out into such a storm. 在这样的暴风雨中外出简直是荒唐和莫名其妙。