1. So we strategized and we thought s a way of just generating these PAX2 expressing cells. 于是我们想,是不是有一种只生成,maybe,there’,这种PAX2表达细胞的方法。
2. Several of his colleagues, also looking for new opportunities, strategized together about what salaries they were aiming for and how to negotiate to get there. 齐克有几名同样也在寻找新机会的同事就他们的薪资目标以及如何与公司谈判来实现该目标共同制订了行动策略。
3. Several of his colleagues, also looking for new opportunities, strategized together about what salaries they were aiming for and how to negotiate to get there. The conversations helped Mr. 齐克有几名同样也在寻找新机会的同事就他们的薪资目标以及如何与公司谈判来实现该目标共同制订了行动策略。
4. They strategized in borrowed office space and recruited people from other tech companies to work on the project at night, promising full-time salaries as soon as they raised venture capital. 他们的策略是在借来的办公空间办公,并从其他科技公司招募员工在晚上开发这个项目,承诺在募集到风险投资后给他们发放全职工资。