1. He's often hoarse at the end of the day because he performs his dialogue out loud as he writes it. (This may account for its strikingly naturalistic quality.) 在一天结束的时候,他通常声音嘶哑,因为他在写作对话的时候总是大声地把对话喊出来。(这也许可以解释它引人注目的自然主义性质。)
2. She's strikingly good-looking. 她非常漂亮。
3. The two polls produced strikingly different results. 两次投票产生的结果截然不同。
4. The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra. 白氏斑马是一种极其美丽的斑马变种。
5. In one respect, however, the men really were strikingly similar. 然而,在一方面,这些男人的确惊人地相似。