1. If you're feeling peckish, a few minutes' strolls away is the barbecue buffet, where you can tuck into a vast collection of ribs, salmon, prawns, and salads. 如果您感到饥肠辘辘,步行几分钟就可以看到 的自助烧烤摊,那里有排骨、三文鱼、大虾和沙拉,您可以大吃一顿。
2. Norton nods, strolls to the poster of Rita. 诺顿点点头,走到丽塔的海报前。
3. On Sundays my brother strolls along the beach. 星期天我弟弟在海边漫步。
4. They shake. Andy strolls off. Red watches him go. 他们握握手,安迪漫步走开,瑞德看着他离开。
5. The man in the suit strolls away, as does one of the women. 穿西装那个男人踱步走开,其中一个女人也离开了。