1. In the mid-1980s, critics accused him of strong-arming the market. 80年代中期,批评家说他控制了市场。
2. The Kremlin evidently believes the benefits of this strong-arming outweigh the risks. 很显然,克里姆林宫的决策者们相信使用高压逼迫手段所带来的效益值得他们冒这个风险。
3. Dennis's success eventually caused more serious problems. In the mid-1980s, critics accused him of strong-arming the market. 丹尼斯的成功最终导致了严重的问题。80年代中期,批评家说他控制了市场。
4. Or perhaps Apple has belatedly realized that strong-arming fan sites into removing their reports only serves to confirm those reports, which quickly spread to other news outlets. 又或者,苹果公司终于后知后觉地认识到,胁迫那些粉丝网站删除相关报道不过是欲盖弥彰地间接承认了那些消息的真实性,从而导致消息迅速地向其他新闻渠道扩散。