1. He pointed a stubby finger at a wooden chair opposite him. 他用粗短的手指指了指他对面的一把木椅。
2. Through stubby spinneys of akeake, I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern. 透过矮壮的新西兰坡柳小树林我看到了河湾,像蕨类植物叶子背面一样闪着银光。
3. These species also differ morphologically: grass dwellers are slender with long tails, tree-dwellers are stocky with long legs, twig dwellers are slender but stubby-legged. 这些物种在形态上也有所不同:呆在草上的动物体型纤细,尾巴很长;呆在树上的动物体格健壮,腿长;而呆在树枝的动物体型纤细,但腿短。
4. He has stubby fingers. 他的手指粗短。
5. Pug rubbed a hand over his grimy stubby face. 帕格伸手摸了摸他那肮脏的、胡子拉茬的脸。