1. The Hollywood rumour mill is already buzzing about a marriage between Paramount Studios and Caps Cities. 好莱坞的造谣者们已经在嚷嚷着关于派拉蒙工作室和帽子城市合并的事了。
2. In Columbia University, the same men ran their studios for decades. 在哥伦比亚大学,同一批人会运营他们的工作室几十年。
3. There are tons of studios, and most of those are for college kids. That's where "Yoga to the People" is. 有数不清的工作室,其中大多数针对大学生。那就是“大众瑜伽”工作室所在。
4. Since then, she has founded two yoga studios, met a new life partner, and formed a new community of people. 从那以后,她成立了两个瑜伽工作室,遇到了新的人生伴侣,并形成了新的交际圈。
5. Having your own yoga mat is nice, because you know only your feet and hands have been on it, but most studios have mats you can use. 最好有一块属于你自己的瑜伽垫,因为你知道只你自己的手和脚碰过它,不过多数的工作室都有瑜伽垫可供使用。