1. It's also a tool to help you avoid the slippery slope of competing on price alone and thereby eating into the margins you need to earn more than a subsistence wage. 这还有助于你避免因单独的价格战而引起的灾难性急剧下滑;因此,你不仅能赚取足以维持基本运营的最低收入,还将获得广阔的利润空间。
2. The “subsistence” wage itself might rise, for example. “维持生计”的工资本身可能增加,例如。
3. Sir Arthur offered several reasons why wages might rise even before a country reached its turning-point. The "subsistence" wage itself might rise, for example. 亚瑟先生提供了几个原因,来说明为什么一个国家在到达拐点之前,也会出现工资上涨。
4. The "subsistence" wage itself might rise, for example. 比如,“基本”工资本身就应该增长。
5. The only income of li Baoshan's family of three is 1000yuan, his wife's monthly wage, which is above the standard of subsistence allowances-300yuan, but they still have great life pressure. 李宝山一家三口唯一的收入是妻子每月1000元工资,虽然高于人均月收入300元的低保标准,但仍然有很大的生活压力。