1. We've found that many many times in the past, from the suffragettes onwards. 我们发现从女权运动开始,历史上有很多这样的案例。
2. Neil: Indeed! The suffragettes started small with teashop talks but they began to take more militant – or aggressive – direct action. 没错,妇女参政权论者开始在茶馆举行小型的演讲,但之后他们开始采取了更为激进的直接行动。
3. In other words, the bride is the idea of feminism, and her appearance coincides with the birth of the suffragettes in Victorian England. 换句话说,新娘就是女权主义的化身,她的出现同维多利亚时期英格兰兴起的妇女参政论不谋而合。