1. Ranking schools is always controversial, and this year a group of 38 superintendents from five states wrote to ask that their schools be excluded from the calculation. 学校排名一直存在争议,今年来自五个州的38名主管写信要求将他们的学校排除在排名范围之外。
2. In the end, the superintendents agreed to provide the data we sought, which is, after all, public information. 最后,毕竟我们寻找的数据是公共信息,警司还是同意给我们提供了。
3. There's this superintendents' dance, "The super Ball." 有个公寓主管的舞会,主管(超级)舞会。
4. But superintendents and principals have wide discretion. 但是,地方领导和校长有自由裁量权。
5. Advice from sidewalk superintendents, including owners, must be taken lightly. 从人行道监督,包括业主咨询,必须采取掉以轻心。