1. Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate. 所以,绝不要祈求。要感激。
2. We supplicate your majesty to grant him amnesty. 我们恳求恳求陛下给予他特赦。
3. Also, you could be a guy who tends to supplicate in his behavior to women, especially good-looking women. 另外,您也可能是一个对女人苦苦哀求的人,特别是漂亮的女人。
4. In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate. 藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多伟大的精神导师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。