1. Tadpole shrimp lives in ponds, swags or river sides. they have no impact on the environment. 鲎虫生活在池沼、水潭或水畔,对环境没有什么影响。
2. Two teenagers are fighting for their lives after being hit by a ute while they were asleep in their swags at a campsite near Orange early today. 两名青年男女正在与生命做斗争,他们今天早间于Orange附近的露营地睡觉时被一辆工具车无意中辗轧。
3. They were asleep in their camping swags when a ute being driven by a 17yearold fellow camper inadvertently drove over them about 5am, police said. 警方说,今早大约5点钟,一名17岁的露营者在营地挪车时无意中轧过尚在睡觉的他们。