1. Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her. 她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。
2. When you develop a throat infection or catch a cold the glands in the neck swell up. 当你咽喉发炎或感冒时, 脖子上的腺体会肿起来。
3. Many cat lovers live with a dilemma: they want to pick up the animals and hold them close, but if they do, their eyes will swell up and they'll start sneezing. 很多爱猫人都面临着进退两难的境地:他们想抱起猫咪紧紧搂着它们,但如果这样做的话,他们的眼睛就会肿起来,而且开始打喷嚏。
4. The leg may swell up and be painful. 这条腿可能肿胀疼痛。