1. I began to argue with the metaphysical sycophants. 我开始和这些形而上学的马屁精争论。
2. Fed sycophants argue that an audit would destroy the financial markets' faith in the Fed. 美联储的看门狗们辩解说审计会破坏金融市场对美联储的信心。
3. Initially modelled on scouting and aimed at promoting children's rights, it has increasingly become a young sycophants' association. 这个模仿童子军的组织起初旨在提高少年儿童的权利,现在已经越来越变成一个吹牛拍马者的团体。
4. That means he can continue life exactly as it was in the White House: surrounded by sycophants telling him he is doing a brilliant job while the rest of the country thinks the opposite. 这意味着他完全可以像在白宫时那样继续生活:享受着簇拥在身边的追随者们对他出色业绩的奉承,而美国其他地方的民众对他的业绩看法却恰恰相反。