1. The next night, he heard his son praying again: "God bless Mommy and Daddy. Ta-ta, Grandma." 第二天晚上,他听见他的儿子又在祈祷:“上帝保佑妈妈和爸爸,再见,奶奶。”
2. But if I stood before you and ta-ta-talked to-to-to you like that, you'd do what you're now — you're smiling. 但是,如果我站在你们面前,像这样跟跟跟你们讲讲讲话,你们可能会像现在这样——在微笑。
3. Either way, with the bright green molecules gone, yellow and orange pigments that were there all along (helping with photosynthesis), are no longer overshadowed, and ta-ta! 无论如何随着绿色分子的消失,黄色和橙色的色素却一直都在(协助进行光合作用)叶子不再褪色当当当当!
4. "He had friends and he was a ta," said Stanton, 30, who is studying engineering education. "You can't be a ta and not be social." “他也是助教,他有很多朋友”,30岁正学习工程学的Stanton表示,“要成为一名助教,不与人交流是不行的”。
5. Looking to the future, two of us (TA and TA) also plan to investigate the effect of different types of footwear on the kicking of a ball. 展望未来,我们(TA和TA)双方还计划对不同球鞋踢球的效果进行研究。