1. Do self tanners keep you guessing? 自助美黑还在让你浮想联翩?
2. There were blacksmiths tanners dyers and weavers. 有铁匠、制革工、染匠和织布工。
3. None of the infrequent tanners who took the drug reported these symptoms. 而不经常美黑的人吃过药后并没有出现类似症状。
4. Who are found to be the sweepers, cleaner, and leather tanners are considered as unfit for human society or co-mingling. 谁生来就是干净的,会打扫的,皮革制革的工人被视为是不适合待在人类社会的。
5. Tanners and wool sorters sometimes get anthrax, a serious infectious disease, when they handle the hides of sick animals. 制革工和羊毛分类工在处理生病动物皮革时有时染上炭疽热,一种严重的传染病。