1. After the brew, form beauty, flowers, tea are sweet flavor tastily, aftertaste deg. 冲泡后,形态美丽、花香茶香、滋味爽口、回味甘醇。
2. Flavor tastily, rich in vitamins a, c, antipyretic sputum, blocking the prevent constipation. 风味浓郁爽口,含丰富的维生素a、C,可解热袪痰,防止便秘。
3. Aroma is mellow old flavor pleasant is mellow tastily foliaceous de chengtong is brown contain loose smoke flavour and areca ingredient. 香气醇陈滋味甘醇爽口叶底呈桐褐色并带有松烟味和槟榔味。