1. Let's take a closer look at tattling. 让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。
2. Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations. 个负面的字眼,带有负面的含意。
3. You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression. 你要知道,“滥告状”是一种具有社会倾向的侵犯。
4. Carping and tattling won't get you anywhere - but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue. 吹毛求疵和打小报告不会给你带来任何结果——不过你可以做几件事来解决这个问题。
5. A study has found that men spend an average 76 minutes a day tittle-tattling with their friends or work colleagues, compared to just 52 minutes for women. 一项调查发现,男人每天与朋友或同事闲聊的时间平均为76分钟,而女人仅为52分钟。