1. Their Mozart is fast, not in terms of tempi, but in reaction-time. 他们的莫扎特是快的,这种快与速度无关,而是快在反应时间上。
2. Which of these tempi do you think is the most appropriate for this piece? 你认为这些速度中哪个最合适这支曲子?
3. In "Gruppen" (1955-57) he used three orchestras, playing different notes at different tempi from different directions. 在1955 - 57年的作品Gruppen中,施托克·豪森使用了三个管弦乐团,从不同的角度以不同的节奏演奏不同的音符。
4. Since ballroom dancing is much more fun with good music, it's helpful to understand the appropriate rhythms and tempi for the various ballroom dances. 自舞更精采好的音乐这有助于了解各种适当的节奏和速度之舞舞蹈。