1. Things only got testier when Bear Stearns announced abysmal fourth-quarter results on Dec. 20. 贝尔斯登12月20日宣布了第四季度惨淡的业绩后,事情变得更加糟糕。
2. As hackers navigate the testier legal landscape, however, law enforcement officials are having an equally tough time tracking down the cybercriminals within those communities. 由黑客们导引着艰难的法律环境,尽管如此,执法人员在这些社区中追踪网络犯罪时同样举步维艰。
3. (Fig. B): The more particles we squeeze into the container, the testier they will become, especially if the container happens to be a rush-hour downtown local at 86th and Lex. (图B):如果我们把更多的粒子挤入容器中,它们将变得易爆。假如这个容器正好是高峰期在86街和莱克星顿大道路口开往下城的地铁慢车车厢,情况就更是如此。