1. "We shall go on to the end," he said defiantly, in tones plummy and, on the surviving recordings, surprisingly thick-tongued. “我们将作战到底”,他浑厚的声音在残存的录音上竟含糊不清。
2. Is telling us not to do that sharp-tongued thick-skinned belly of an empty mountain bamboo shoots and top-heavy wall of bedrock shallow reed. 就是告诫我们不要做那嘴尖皮厚腹中空的山间竹笋和头重脚轻根底浅的墙上芦苇。
3. I most despise the poor students who duplicity... thick-skinned sharp-tongued children. 我最看不起那些口是心非的穷大学生…皮厚嘴尖的孩子。