1. 55,000 reptile skins from India, 19,000 big-eye thresher shark fins in Ecuador and 23 metric tonnes of pangolin in Asia have all been seized. 来自印度的55000张爬行动物皮、厄瓜多尔的19000只大眼长尾鲨鳍和亚洲的23吨穿山甲都被查获。
2. Now electricity runs the thresher. 脱粒机 现在由电驱动。
3. Why? Because people don't want another Thresher. 为什么?由于人们不想要另一台脱粒机。
4. He and his Cousins bought a steam thresher on shares. 他和他的堂兄弟们合伙买了一台蒸气脱粒机。
5. Freddy Thresher has a problem: a really, really, big problem. 弗雷迪遇到一个问题,一个真的真的非常重要的问题。