1. Outside the car, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. 车外,苏珊听到了尖锐、响亮的重击声,还有一种奇怪的咯咯声。
2. Her heart began to thump and she felt herself changing into a stiff, plain, silent child again. 她的心开始怦怦地跳,她觉得自己又变成了一个相貌平平、拘谨、沉默寡言的孩子。
3. Outside the car, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. But she couldn't see anything in the darkness. 车外,苏珊听到了尖锐,响亮的重击声,还有一种奇怪的咯咯声。但在黑暗中,她什么也没看见。