1. But the wish list of complementary measures is difficult to tick off. 然而,相关配套措施却很难如愿。
2. To tick off my career goal in a phrase is that to become an excellent project cost talent. 我的事业目标由一句话概括的话,就是:成为一名优秀的工程造价方面的人才。
3. The first censuses did little more than tick off the number of people living in a particular house. 第一次人口普查仅仅是登记了某个房子里住了多少人。
4. Ceramic tile 10 million tick off seam can't use white cement, must choose special tick off seam an agent. 瓷砖勾缝千万不能用白水泥,一定要选择专用的勾缝剂。
5. Youll avoid forgetting anything, pull stay focused on the job, and its very satisfying to tick off those boxes. 你就能避免遗漏要做的事,你会保持关注眼前的工作,当你在所有的框框里都打上勾时,非常让人心满意足。