1. Usually compensated at 1.5 times the regular salary (time and a half). 通常以高出正常工资1.5倍的加班费予以补偿。
2. So I only have enough time to watch the "what goes around comes around" one time and a half. 因此,我今天只有足够的时间看了一遍半的《一报还一报》。
3. Any approved overtime over that will be paid at time and a half, which you can take as salary or time off. 超过1.5小时的必要加班都会有1.5倍的工资,可以以现金形式或假期形式兑现。
4. He'd spent four and a half years in windowless cells, much of the time in chains. 他在无窗的牢房里呆了4年半,大部分时间是手铐脚镣。
5. Half of them wrote about a time they felt secure and supported, whereas the other half wrote about feeling insecure and alone. 其中一半人写的是他们感到安全和被支持的时候,而另一半人写的是感到不安全和孤独的时候。