2. Tick Tock Timer is that bully for me today. 那滴答定时器今天妙极了。
3. If there was ever a bookmark that actually reduced your unproductive nature, it is Tick Tock Timer. 如果曾经有那么一个书签,真的减弱了你低产的本性,那么它是定时器。
4. I am not sure who got me to the wonders of Tick Tock Timer, but it has simplified and saved my life in countless ways. 我不知道是谁将我带到滴滴答答定时器的奇观世界中,但它在无尽的方面简化及合理化我的生活了。
5. Put the chicken in the oven when the timer goes off. 当定时器响起时,把鸡肉放入烤炉。