1. We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens. 我们漫步走过发出清脆声音的喷泉和香气四溢的花园。
2. "The curtain went up and revealed a piano, " Sondheim recalled, "A butler took a duster and brushed it up, tinkling the keys." “幕布升起来,现出一架钢琴,”桑德海姆回忆道,“一个男演员拿一块抹布擦拭琴键,发出一阵叮当声。”
3. The worn path, the bells tinkling on the gate. 被踩平了的小道,门上的铃铛叮当作响。
4. Through the grass came a soft silvery tinkling. 从草海中传来了一阵微弱的银叮铃声。
5. Suddenly a troika drove up with tinkling bells. 忽然一辆三驾马车响着铃声奔驰而来。