1. He spent his time tippling at the inn. 他在酒店饮酒消磨时光。
2. The moving scene is still tippling in my heart till now. 这动人的一幕一直在我心中荡漾。
3. But unfortunately he had his failings too: laziness and a love of tippling. 可惜他又有一样坏脾气,便是好喝懒做。
4. Hee-hee-hee! 'laughed the tippling bride, as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband. “嘻——嘻——嘻!”喝醉了酒的新娘子也笑了,一边靠在她心爱的丈夫胳膊上稳住自己。
5. For all his alleged tippling, Mr Nakagawa was one of the bright sparks in the cabinet and someone Mr Aso came to rely on. 尽管中川先生顶着酗酒的传言,但他却是内阁中少数“精明能干”的成员之一,同时也是麻生所依赖的重臣。