1. [Titbit]Sleep Less Because of "Thatcher gene"? 【趣闻】睡眠少是因为“撒切尔基因”?
2. We only had one or two white (refers to flour) in a year. What we had most was durra cake. Maize corn noodle was also titbit. 一年大概只能吃一两次“白的”( 指白面),吃得最多的是红高粱饼子,棒子面饼子也成为珍品。
3. Horseradish is one of the advanced rare vegetables originated from Japan, where it has been cultivated for more than 400 years, it is regarded as titbit by Japanese. 山葵是为数不多的原产于日本的高级蔬菜之一,在日本有400余年的栽培历史,日本人视之为珍品。
4. Phelan found out that the source of the leak in the Hughes organisation had been Gregson Bautzer. He gave Dietrich this titbit of information, and Dietrich the roof. 费伦发现是格雷格森·鲍泽泄露了休斯公司的机密。于是他把这一重要的情报给了迪特里希,迪特里希知道后极为生气。