2. Its most recent scandal has nothing to do with tone-deaf AD campaigns or retouched photos. 维秘最近的负面新闻不再是无厘头的广告活动或是PS过的照片。
3. We hear you, "he wrote, in what many said at the time was a classically tone-deaf manner." 当时许多人认为这是标准的充耳不闻的做法。
4. This is hugely important, and when new employees don't do it, they come across as tone-deaf. 企业文化至关重要,新员工不依照而行,会成为曲调中的不和谐音。
5. There may be a touch of Asperger's syndrome in both: They possess genius but are tone-deaf in social situations. 这两个人似乎都有一丝亚斯伯格综合症的痕迹:都拥有很高的天赋,但是在社交场合上都显得五音不全。