1. Different toppings can help vary the flavor – try mayonnaise, honey mustard, even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West. 不同的调料可以改变不同的口味——如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜芥末酱、甚至是花生酱。
2. Create the EAST (toppings) panel. 创建东侧(浇头)面板。
3. Waiter: That's three toppings. 侍者:那是三种配料了。
4. In your case, that's the list of toppings. 在例子中,那就是浇头的列表。
5. And help me pick the toppings and syrup. 帮我选上面的配料和糖浆。