1. Aunt Polly knelt down and prayed for Tom so touchingly. 波莉姨妈跪下来,为汤姆祈祷,很令人感动。
2. For all the materialism, trees are still touchingly revered in Japan. 在日本,对于所有的唯物主义者,树木也是备受尊敬的。
3. And yet, touchingly, Nadal felt such sympathy for the man whose dream he kept ruining. 然而,感人的是,纳达尔对这个其梦想一直被他破坏的男人抱有如此的同情。
4. Nowhere is Freud more touchingly fallible than in his love letters to his fiancee Martha Bernays, which occupy half this book. 但是没有什么能比弗洛伊德写给他未婚妻玛莎·玛莎·伯内斯的情书更感人的了,这部分内容占据了全书的一半篇幅。
5. "Is alas, this old miscellaneous hair's starting Te is getting more malicious ……" E eyebrow old nun delicate and touchingly says. “唉,这老杂毛下手忒狠了……”峨眉老尼楚楚可怜的说道。