1. 'Big Mac' is McDonald's best-known trademark. “巨无霸”是麦当劳最著名的商标。
2. She has registered a trademark for a new range of perfumes. 她已为一个新系列的香水注册了商标。
3. Please identify the registered trademark. 请认明注册商标。
4. Coco invented the little black dress, perfected a trademark scent-Chanel No. 5-and became famous for her tweed suits and quilted handbags. 可可发明了小黑裙,完善了香奈儿5号香水的商标,并以她的花呢套装和绗缝手袋而闻名。
5. It won over Coke executives in Atlanta and would go on to receive its own trademark, spur collections and earn Coca-Cola an iconic image that made it part of American culture for a century. 它赢得了亚特兰大的可口可乐高管们的支持,继而获得了自己的商标,刺激了收集欲望,使可口可乐成为一个标志性的形象,并让它成为一个世纪以来美国文化的一部分。