1. A trader said gold sold briskly on the local market. 一位贸易商说黄金在当地市场的销售很兴旺。
2. 'The market is absolutely dead this morning,' said one foreign exchange trader. “今天早上市场萧条极了。” 一个外汇交易商说道。
3. "The Hewlett-Packard news brings a better tone to the market, which has been in a kind of holding pattern," said one trader. “惠普的消息带给一直处于停滞的市场一个较好的基调,”一位贸易商说道。
4. This trader persuaded me into buying his goods. 这个商人说服我买了他的货物。
5. This scarcity of biographical information is due primarily to his social position; he was not a noble, but the son of a leather trader. 传记信息不足主要是由他的社会地位造成的:他不是贵族,而是一个皮革商人的儿子。