1. Looking at the family photos of strangers was never so transfixing. 一位陌生人的家庭照片也可以让人如此心驰神往。
2. So, cultivating the transfixing sense of humanistic education and science education is an important task be resolved in current college education. 因此,融合人文教育与科学教育,更需贯通两者,培养两者之间的通感是当前大学教育亟待解决的重要课题。
3. For that reason, his Field of Light lies dormant during the hours of day light, but when darkness falls the bulbs flower in transfixing patterns of light and colour. 出于这个原因,他的灯光田园在白天的时候是关闭灯光的,但当夜幕降临时灯光开启后,“灯泡花朵”就会变得流光溢彩,令人惊艳。