1. In my opinion, transplanting coral should only be used as a last resort. 在我看来,移植珊瑚只能作为最后的手段。
2. The terrible constraint on organ transplanation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting. 器官移植的可怕限制是,每延长一个人的生命都取决于一个有值得移植的器官的人的死亡,这个人足够年轻且足够健康。
3. The terrible constraint on organ transplantation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting. 器官移植的可怕约束是,一个人生命的延长要依赖于另一个足够年轻、健康的人的死亡,因为只有这些人身上才有值得移植的器官。
4. She is a good hand at transplanting rice. 她是插秧能手。
5. When transplanting use starter fertilizer. 移植时用催肥肥料。