1. Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords. 减三和弦和增三和弦传统上被看作不协和和弦。
2. Typically, designers will choose colors like this in groups of three; this practice is known as selecting triads. 通常情况下,设计者会选择这样的一组三个颜色:这种组合被称为颜色三角。
3. Triads are patterns of three notes consisting of a note with a third and a fifth added, counting upwards from the lowest note. 三和弦是由三个音组成,包含从最低音上数第三音和第五音的。
4. In their simplest form, triads, or three-note chords, may be inverted by having either the original middle or the original top note at the bottom. 最简单的形式三和弦,可转位为原中间音或原最上面的音置于底部。
5. Adisaffected boy with low self-esteem, a dysfunctional family, poor role modelsand, he feels, no hope and no future. He easily comes under the influence of triads. 一个身处非正常家庭环境中的孩子,身边均是不良的榜样,他自卑而愤愤然,他无法感受希望和未来,进而十分容易受到帮派的影响。