1. I think I understand what "all the trimmings" means now. 我想我现在明白“全副武装”是什么意思了。
2. I adore Sunday lunch with all the trimmings: roast meat, along with lots of vegetables and sauces and other traditional accompaniments. 我喜欢周日的午餐,里面有各种各样的佐料:烤肉,还有很多蔬菜、酱汁和其他传统的佐料。
3. The trimmings on the car are made of chromium. 车上的装饰品是用铬合金做的。
4. Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples. 用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。
5. She was about to alter the trimmings of the dress. 她打算改动这件女服的装饰。 。