1. She chose to be backed by a classy trio of acoustic guitar, bass and congas. 她选择了用原声吉他、低音吉他和康茄鼓组成的经典三重奏组合为自己伴奏。
2. At the church of the Trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day, 1892, he had his debut as a composer with the performance of his andante for string trio and organ. 1892年圣诞节那天,在瑟堡的三一教堂,他首次以作曲家身份演出弦乐三重奏和管风琴的行板。
3. It took only three shots for navy snipers to kill the trio of pirates holding Captain Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat drifting in the high sea. 海军狙击手仅用三枪就击毙了三名海盗,当时海盗挟持船长理查德·菲利普斯作为人质乘坐一艘救生艇漂浮在公海上。
4. Vibert has always been the odd one out among that trio. 在这三人组中,维贝特总是与众不同。
5. Soon the duet will become a trio. 很快地二重奏形成了三重唱。