2. But no, says Acheson, troublemaking will continue, and definitely so. 但是不,艾奇逊说,还是要捣乱的,并且确定地要捣乱。
3. To drive troublemaking spirits away, friends would visit each other on their birthdays. 为了把招致麻烦的恶灵赶走,朋友们会在生日时互相拜访。
4. A picaresque novel is a work of fiction that details the exploits of an adventurous or troublemaking protagonist. 阿流浪汉小说是一个工作的细节小说,它讲述的是一个冒险的或捣乱的主角。
5. For them the key to a good life is hard work, good family values and avoiding troublemaking artists and foreigners. 对于他们,过上好日子的关键在于努力工作,正确的家庭观,以及离那些惹麻烦的艺术家和外国佬远远的。