1. She is condemned by Howe, challenged by Heseltine and finally upended by the cabinet turncoats. 当相位不稳时撒切尔这样宣称。 她被豪责难,被赫塞尔廷挑战,并最终被内阁中的叛徒放倒。
2. But since turncoats are unpopular, it is by no means certain that Mr Sestak, an impressive Congressman and former naval officer, will fare worse against the Republican Patrick Toomey in November. 但是“叛徒”的确不得人心,而赛斯·塔克曾是海军军官,现为一名出色的国会议员,他在11月与共和党帕特·图米(Patrick Toomey)的对抗中的胜算绝不会比斯·佩克特小。