1. His medical centre also has a Facebook page, a MySpace page and a Twitter feed. 他的医疗中心也有一个 Facebook 页面,一个 MySpace 页面和一个 Twitter 订阅源。
2. One Twitter group is offering its followers single-sentence-long "digests" of the great novels. 一个 Twitter 团体正在向其追随者提供伟大小说的单句“摘要”。
3. I've found quite a few, and—since I started posting them on Twitter—they have been causing quite a stir. 我发现了不少,而且,自从我开始在推特上发布它们以来,它们已经引起了相当大的轰动。
4. At this year's CHIRP Conference, Twitter revealed that it's attempting to address some of these very issues. 在今年的 CHIRP 会议上,Twitter 透露它将尝试解决这些问题。
5. Online services like Facebook, Twitter and the like, are called out as masters of manipulation making products so good that people can't stop using them. 像 Facebook、Twitter 这样的在线服务被称为操纵大师,他们把产品制作得如此好以至于人们无法停止使用它们。