1. There's watercress soup, grated carrots and other unappetizing fare, as well as lots of jogging. 有西洋菜汤,磨碎的胡萝卜等倒胃口票价,以及大量的慢跑。
2. Instead of a massive pot of unappetizing-looking soup, you can buy fried chicken with chips or rice. 你可以购买配有薯条或米饭的炸鸡套餐,而不用买一大盆让人没有食欲的菜汤。
3. There was nothing to do there and nowhere to eat except the dreaded canteen and an unappetizing fast-food restaurant. 那里没有别的事情可做,没有吃饭的地方,除了可怕的食堂和难吃的快餐店。
4. The strained liquid grease will be ready to reuse, and it will not contain unappetizing crumbs and old food particles. 过滤后的液体油脂就可以重复使用了,且不会含有令人没胃口的食物残渣。
5. A meatball sundae sounds entirely unappetizing, even though in and of themselves meatballs might taste nice and ice cream sundaes taste good. 比如说贡丸可说是美味绝伦,冰淇淋圣代也可口无比,不过贡丸圣代听起来就叫人很倒胃口。