1. Other (uncategorized + everything else): 17.3% 其他来源:17.3%
2. Otheraddr (uncategorized information in address). o theraddr(地址中未归类的信息)。
3. Perhaps you can see why putting them all into one big, uncategorized list would lead to confusion. 也许你已经看到为什么把它们放在一个大而无组织的表上会导致混乱。
4. By default, the uncategorized category will be checked, unless you have already changed the name of that category. 默认情况下,未归类的种类会被选中,除非你已经给那个种类更改了名称。
5. For example, in a test directory where all uncategorized tests are kept, you can create three new subdirectories like those shown in Listing 4. 例如,在一个保存所有未分类测试的test目录中,可以创建三个新的子目录,如清单4所示。