1. Fanshen is also an unchallengeable classic. 《翻身》也不容置疑是一部经典著作。
2. The selection committee's decision is FINAL and unchallengeable. 遴选委员会的决定是最终决定,不容挑战。
3. The sovereign right of the Irish people to decide their own future is unchallengeable. 爱尔兰人民有自主决定其未来的权力,这是不可置疑的。
4. But this was rejected out of hand, largely because the savannah theory was considered unchallengeable. 但这一想法立刻遭到否定,很大程度上是因为大草原理论在当时不容挑战。
5. Good things may happen by chance, but frustrations are unchallengeable proofs of evil and hostile sentiments in their environment. 好的事情可能是偶然发生的,但是挫折是在他们的环境之中邪恶与敌对情绪不可挑战的证明。