1. Removing the mud, uncovering gravel beds where fish spawn, and finding suitable salmon types to rebuild the population is a daunting task. 清除淤泥,发现鱼类产卵的砾石层,找到合适的鲑鱼种类来重建种群是一项艰巨的任务。
2. For many years it was assumed that lateralisation was a uniquely human trait, but this notion rapidly fell apart as researchers started uncovering evidence of lateralisation in all sorts of animals. 多年来,人们一直认为偏侧现象是人类独有的特征,但随着研究人员开始在各种动物身上发现偏侧现象的证据,这一观点很快就站不住脚了。
3. He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud. 他是个精明强干的律师,能从一连串文件中找出诈骗的蛛丝马迹。
4. Often uncovering these rules is a complex process. 通常,发现这些规律是个极为复杂的过程。
5. Now we are uncovering the biological evidence. 如今我们正在揭示生物学的证据。