1. This paper discusses the approach helps to transform underachieving students. 本文论述接近学困生有助于做好转化工作。
2. In France, the scholars define poor students are those of normal intelligence but underachieving. 在法国,有些学者对差生所界定的概念是智力正常但学习不良加以界说。
3. It's puzzling that so many organizations continue to use BDUF in the face of so many failures and underachieving projects. 面对这么多的失败和不被看好的项目,还有这么多组织机构继续使用BDUF,真的很令人费解!
4. He's already exactly what the Blazers needed after years of underachieving teams and misbehaving players - a humble and likeable star. 他正是波特兰寻觅多年所渴望的缺少的那个球员—一个谦虚可爱的明星。
5. The majority of students who use Facebook every day are underachieving by as much as an entire grade compared with those who shun the site. 一项针对在校学生的调查显示,经常使用社交网站的人在网络空间中的社交活动比较活跃,但是在考试成绩方面却比较逊色。