1. Some readers would underline the page as they read. 有些读者在阅读时会在页面下划线。
2. Secondly, we need to underline the need for the government to take leadership on these issues. 其次,我们需要强调政府在这些问题上发挥领导作用的必要性。
3. They underline the fact that every subject has its own importance and pupils will absorb knowledge useful for their future. 他们强调每个学科都有其重要性,而学生会吸收对自己未来有用的知识。
4. The editor will mark the validation errors with red marks on the left and right sides, and add a red wavy underline to the invalid syntax. 编辑器会左右两侧用红色标记标明验证错误,并给无效的语法加一条红色波浪型的下划线。
5. Underline the following that apply to you. 在以下适用于你的部分下面划线。