1. French political commentators noted the devastating fire had succeeded where Macron had failed in uniting the country. 法国政治评论人士指出,马克龙未能团结全国致使这场毁灭性的大火成功烧了起来。
2. There a new dynasty, uniting the country's west and east, set out to create a great empire. 一个新的王朝,将这个国家的东西方结合起来,打算建立一个伟大的帝国。
3. There's a lot of bodywork involved to balance the kind of uniting the body, mind, and spirit. 要平衡身体、思想和精神的结合,需要大量的身体工作。
4. This convention expanded to discussions of the possibility of all the British colonies uniting into one nation. 大会广泛讨论了联合所有英属殖民地联合建立一个国家的可能性。
5. Mr Obama will follow FDR in uniting the country. 奥巴马能继承罗斯福,统一全国。