1. Friends and even casual acquaintances will hold the keys to a dilemma you are trying to unknot. 朋友和熟人,甚至随意将举行的钥匙,一个两难你想。
2. Install la tie rack in your closet, and unknot ties before hanging them to avoid creating creases in the fabric. 在衣柜里装一个领带架,挂领带之前将领带结解开,这样可以避免领带打皱。
3. To help me unknot my stomach, I made a list of all my experience and capabilities, which reminded me how much I was bringing to the job. 为了帮助我缓解紧张,我列了一份自己所有经验和能力的清单,这提醒了自己将会为这份工作带来多少。